Transtherapy is a reform movement in psychotherapy and in the mental helping professions. It is an association of practitioners who are critical of the trends of commercialism, medicalization, bureaucratization and idolization in this field. Transtherapy is a proclamation issued at the beginning of the 21st century, which calls for a return to integrity, responsibility, independence, dignity and simplicity in our professional work.
Transtherapy is a non-profit international organization. This site is a meeting ground for therapists from different professions and backgrounds, united in their commitment to the principles Transtherapy. It will continue to evolve through dialogue between its members, and the guidance of its Board of Directors. A journal and conference are scheduled for a later stage.
Transtherapy follows the footsteps of Dogma 95, initiated by the movie director Lars von Trier. Cinematographers who adopt this dogma strive to maintain simplicity and artistic integrity by avoiding use of “star” actors, artificial lighting and sets. Their movies display, along with other credits, a statement and seal of the Dogma.